Ways to use tea this holiday season

Ways to use tea this holiday season

Creativity is comforting in my kitchen. It's a way for me to express myself and try new things. Using an item, such as tea, and creating multiple delicious things with it, is so satisfying.

"How can I turn this into something more?"

This holiday season, I'll be taking the Eggnog Cheer tea, and blending it into desserts! First I'll be making up a batch of sugar cookies, using this recipe but substituting the tea for the Letterpress blend. Next, I'm hoping to make a nice and easy loaf cake to bake for guests using this recipe, again substituting the lavender for the Eggnog Cheer. Lastly, I'm hoping to serve a signature mocktail, for a warm way to start the festivities. I can already smell the Christmas spices coming from my kitchen. Is it December yet?? :)

Check out all my Eggnog Cheer inspiration on this board that I regularly update, or set the mood with some Christmas music. If you're feeling inspired in your kitchen this season, tag @letterpressshop on instagram so we can take a peek at what you're creating!

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